The Tagline is...
"Everything Ages Fast. Update."
Some Don Draper, or possibly some ultra nerd -all one in and the same - came up with this line. It's perfect. The message it's sending is "Time is running out - fast" Reminding the viewer of a deep seeded anxiety/fear, that time is always running out and life is only so long. They add the word, 'fast' which is perfect. They sweeten the blow and dull the edge of the knife with great creative artwork.
The second layer of great marketing is doing this for two of the most popular sites on the internet. It get's noticed, fast. They also created a 'vintage' add for Skype.
The final and third layer is the fact that 'vintage' is having an impact being used to further modern marketing. Only the power of marketing - when done effectively - with it's ability to reach our deepest fears and dreams - could pull this off and make us love it. Well, I love it, and if I had a company I would hire the Draper or the nerd at MaxiMidia in a heart beat - or at least discuss cost with them.
Click the pictures above to enlarge them.
Also, here is a splendid, captivating film from the most champion address on the internet.
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