Wednesday, November 21, 2012


My brain is moving right now. It feels fantastic. Creativity really is the key to moving deeper into the treasure room of inspiration. "The Madman Laughs at Everything," my seven year attempt at a book is coming to a head. It's been accepted as my final project so I can kill two birds with one stone.

I want to write to you about how everything is an opportunity. It sounds boring, I hope it is not. This is fundamentally, a  primary aspect of personhood that the majority of our species is endowed with--the ability for self-correction.

This includes necessarily, our ability to perceive our surroundings. So this primarily defining opportunity for man lies in  his perception--that is to say, the way the raw data of human lives is processed. It's using 'Emotional Sonar' to use a term from, "The Madman Laughs at Everything" -

Emotional Sonar: Triangulation against anything processed by the primary agent.

Emotional sonar exposes, with muddy strokes, where we stand in relationship with our plod towards the grave. We can use questions about how we feel cyclically with similar relationships. Like how much do I think of food now versus when I was sixteen? What do I think about it--am I still not really thinking about it much? Way more than I think of other things? etc. etc. Questions along this vein can ensure a tilled psyche. This is not necessary for joy--just another tool to be used when the experience of life's confusions are too confounding to just let be, play with, or laugh about.

The trait that sets us apart from smart chimps is the ability to ask 'why'--it's our blessing and concordantly, our curse. These kinds of questions are in the employ of one concerned with adhering to the common religious understanding of, "Love your God above all things, and love one another like you love yourselves." All the different iterations of what 'God' or 'Love' implies is particular to the religious context it's coming from--even if it's the church of the secular, which claims to be nowhere, and is simultaneously everywhere.

It can be difficult pluming the depths and heights of one's constantly changing dynamic. A conception of God, or Love, or anything that seems larger than life, is a triangulation that affects everything. As our understandings about our relationship with these concepts opens up, so too the concepts themselves continues opening up, and in return, our ability to love ourselves, and finally our ability to love others.

'Love' is like 'God' to us because both take a bit of belief and both come with a myriad of applications, understandings, and cynicism; often getting in the way of one another, right when they propose to be one and the same.

Opportunity abounds when one knows how free they are; and freedom is never anarchy, it's always secured in order. Part of that freedom is the sonar of life helping guide us through the deep crags in every part of life's ocean; from the glittering surface, to the unfolding deep.

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you feel thankful all the time.


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