The album version has strings and trumpets and feels much fuller in it's expression. I cried in the last two lines of this song while recording it. Something hit me. Before we started recording it, a dove flew into the chimney, and after quite some time, it wouldn't leave - with three adults behind it - when I was done singing and opened the door to get air for the tears in my eyes, the dove flew out.
I had a few hours to spend how I wished on Saturday so I recorded this song since it's been a while I've recorded a song. It's long and so I cut it down to the end, plus it's a teaser which lacks the trumpets and horns and strings that really bring the song to life closer to the way it was intended.
These online videos and blogs and social network sites are little windows - keyholes - to reference 'She Belongs to Me' by Bob Dylan (which is what I learned to play before recording this song). Digital keyholes, tiny peeks into what another's space and life seems to look like - giving some indication while simultaneously being wholly something subjective and myopic. Little keyholes.
Hope you enjoy your peek, click through the video and get a free download if you'd like (you'll be redirected to Facebook in the description).
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