Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mind Bomb, and the explosion of laughter.

I thought I'd write some about different concepts I have about comedy. But then what's the point? Concepts are boring these days; everyone has one and everyone is arguing about their own specificity even when they agree - it's ego dude; plus, below the surface of 'comedic concepts' I find that it’s actually laughter I’m thinking about – and below that? Well…

There's this cool quote I read somewhere a long while ago (just a few years ago actually, so not that long) - it said "Humanity was created from the laughter of the Trinity" which was/is also cool because it linked up to another quote I had heard (or read more likely) that said "God speaks through music and laughter" - however I would add to that from something I read today, that God's first language was silence.

So the reason that writing about the concepts of comedy seemed boring to me even though I think those concepts are interesting is because it seems that the point of comedy is to unlock the door for humor; and when she (humor) finally walks out, she unlocks the door for laughter; and that is to say, finally unlocking the true, authentic desire - spirituality.

Maybe these next couple videos will help express that reality outside of explanation enough; but like anything anymore, you just have to experience it for yourself; and since you’re my friends, I assume most of you have experienced the spirituality of laughter - Ha!

Pretty self - explanatory right? The first memory of his wife? Of his Love?

Now this next example -

Even with the 'wacky' sound effects and unnecessary edited repetion mid-way through the video, you can’t not hear God when you watch this video; and hearing God in so far as the silent movement within; but maybe you can't hear Him, that’s totally possible – baby laughter may just speak to me, or just not to you - I just can’t imagine it doesn’t generate some awakening though! A smile at least! But maybe not, maybe it is just for me. Like Nietzsche says, "One cannot cease to marvel once one has acquired eyes for this marvel!" - so maybe your eyes just marvel at something else. I don't know, its cute dude, and I hear God pretty clearly in it.

So to conclude my funny friends -we pulled back from concepts about comedy to see the bigger picture of humor, and then stepped even further back to recognize laughter as the bigger picture until finally we sat in our seat of awareness to see that it was all under the realm of spirit.

And finally, as a little experiment, next time you hear laughter, try and think of it as a call from the voice of your higher-self; the voice of God; or just be aware that the sound of authentic laughter (which is why babies laughing is the best opportunity usually) is like an explosion of spirit we are welcomed to behold unfolding before us - and if allowed to, will unconsciously unfold us as well.

"Booomm! [Hands cupped, spreading apart mimicking a nuclear blast] - Mind Bomb" -Bill Hader

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