Friday, December 18, 2009

Ava Lynn Merchant

I had a roommate about eight or nine years ago now - and at the time he had a chin-strap line beard and if I remember right, loved the fighting Irish.

It was neat b/c we both kind of ended up together as the handiwork of convenience. He dated a girl who was my at the time girlfriends best friend.

I remember listening from across the hall when they'd yell and have these insane arguments; like arguments that would spill over into the parking lot insane (one time I remember clearly). I remember how weird I thought it was.

Knowing Mike like a brother and Jessica as a sister-in-law (in spirit), it's been tremendous watching how their relationship from eight or nine years ago that had parking lot battles and slammed doors guarding and speaking for their hearts; progressed to the dropping of that guard and the bloom of the conversation in their marriage and finally an utter renunciation of that guard and a song of joy in Ava Lynn Merchant.

Guess they got pretty good at resolving those outbursts and singing the song of love! Especially considering how both of them are highly passionate people; and now Mike and Jess have created from their abundance, and its humbling and inspiring and beautiful.

Children never cease to amaze me; if I look, I can clearly see Mike - so clearly! But if I look again, Jessica is all over that face! Amazing. Just utterly amazing.

God bless you and your little 20 inches of everything you are my friends. Congrats.
Love you both.

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