Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The show has been cancelled - thank God!

Dear friends and readers -

Hope the day has found you well. This will read quicker than it looks and many of you may already be living this truth.

To keep with an article a day I am forcing the following musing out - I believe it will still be enjoyable. Please note that I am giving myself a break from the rigidity of an article a day till January 4th; so maybe you could use that time to peruse the older articles - there's some really fun and interesting stuff there too yo! But again, the ugly parents child sees a supermodel so you decide for yourself if it's 'fun' or 'interesting'...

Let me try and relay one more mystery that was unveiled to me today through the moment by moment experience of the authentic being. The difference between 'sharing' & 'showing'...

The former comes from love, and is a glorious freedom and hearty joy to be a part of - the latter comes from fear and sucks to witness. One is authentic whilst the other a lie...(of sorts - its fear so some part of your real being is in there just all covered with the bile of fear)

'Sharing' comes from acceptance, whilst 'Showing' comes from defensiveness.

Often those who are 'sharing' are ridiculed by those who are trapped 'showing' - for those with closed eyes cannot understand what those with open eyes are describing....

This can be also expressed with Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" - such a replete source and so timeless! When the man goes back down to describe the sun and the world and the reality, those former friends of his jeer at him for they are still convinced the shadows on the cave wall are reality. The chained are those who would still be 'showing', while those "lucky" enough to be free are simply 'sharing'.

I think I've made my point as much as I'd like, and probably more than required as you readers seem to comprehend my splintered writing very well - thank you for your kind feedback! The main thing about this little musing is it speaks to that reality which betrays the futility of the surface of things...

Both these acts can look very very similar - I know, I used to 'show' (said with only the slightest embarrassment for I am not speaking with that idiots mouth and mind anymore). As I was broken of my bondage to self (the chains which keep us in the cave) I questioned my intention at most every turn - never wanting to delude myself again; really you are broken free of this bondage at every conscious moment - it is not an "event" but a process; further even, a process whose outcome is of no concern! Ha!

A part of that change dawned on me today when I realized I wasn't putting on a show for anyone ever anymore - it's the most liberating thing. In literally no situation do I act this way - even at my job as a salesman I have not this capability - something (I call it God) has taken it away from me. It's remarkable and I thank God for being so kind (as always in all things) to give me the eyes to see this little present he created called "I". Like someone cleaning up an old house, I come home and my blessed Father has redone the flooring I had ruined trying to 'fix'! Or something - you know what I'm saying!

Second to last, let me betray that still sometimes fear whispers that my action will be perceived as 'showing' vs. the reality of what it is; especially by those whom my ego has jaded by the crimes it had once my ignorant hand to perpetrate with; but even that is again ego (Gollum from LOTR man!) and I don't really give a shit about what evil little ego says - he can have no voice at all; he's my hearts slave and that's all he's ever meant to be...can you tell I don't like him? Well, you should too - don't give the fucker an inch, he will destroy your life, I promise you.

Moving on to finish the topic - the belief that Truth will always stand firm, and if not now, then someday triumph, is really a sweet solution to that irritating ego's voice (ego is fear, to rid fear tap into love - this belief must come from love and not a desire to rid away the fear, for that is just ego again! Ha!) - plus being aware but not concerned of it is really all required (and really all that we human beings are truly meant to do! Isn't it awesome! I know!).

A lot of what I'm relaying will drastically change your actions if adopted, assuredly; its just natural they will, and from experience I can tell you they will - but you won't realize it till after the fact - and also only if God (as I call it) allows you the grace to see it. However much more will seem the same on the surface, yet the depth is wholly different. It's like painting wood red, and then painting cement red - they may both look red to someone, but one is weak while the other will break he who tries to go through it...

So quit 'showing' anything, for your own good. Think the sin of vanity - it's sinful because it trips up our ability to be happy - and vanity in anything; especially spiritual vanity which I am always scared will be mistakenly perceived in what I am sharing - actually that's why I keep saying how much it has nothing to do with me (us) because if any point should stick from these little man's writings is that we have nothing to do with anything but to moment by moment get out of the way and let God (as I call Him) do whatever it is that he does. This is simply not about you and me, the "I" who lives eternal is all that matters - some would call this "I" by a different name...Soul...

Hopefully you see this blog as 'sharing', and don't defend against it by deeming it 'showing' - but if you do, there is little else I can, or frankly will do about it. For if I attempt to 'show' any of you differently - I have already lost the very battle I am describing and writing against! Ha! Man the world is so funny. Reality is so beautiful, I just want to share it so badly - but even that reality is so beautiful! Hahahahahaha.

Happy new year, and new decade! Go be yourselves and lets meet beyond everything else; beyond all fear and doubt and joy and affection; lets meet there, for there we may fall at each others feet and none shall be able to discern "the loved from the beloved" - Rumi

With affection,


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