Friday, February 18, 2011

I want to go to there

(Hogwarts must be under an invisibility charm on this map)


My love and attachment reaches for the cloth behind the veil of your personality; there, my soul reaches out like a god's hand and clenches it's fist around it's desire.

When the patches in your veil are too thick, my veil revolts, my god's hand raps it's fingers like a wave of impatience. These patches, when too thick, hide the holiest of holies, and in doing so commit great offense.

My love reaches behind your personality, to the soul cloth, and in it sees the same fibers which make up my god's hand stretching out to clutch madly a cloth which longs as it does, to embrace; both quivering for their completion, and their unraveling.

When there is fire set upon your veil, my god's hand will not reach, your cloth becomes a source of eternal longing, and once satisfaction; a memory of the past which sours the present with the absence of it's presence. The holiest of holies isn't hidden, but visible, and out of reach.

Still, my god's hand reaches out, and burns clutching it's desire.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gotta watch this!

I've said it for years, of course, I now say it while quoting someone to not only make my point, but to make my point twice while saying it once - "Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy" - Chuck Phalniuk

I also speak heavily on formation, and how each interaction and media we passively or actively subject ourselves to, especially consistently and at length, will affect our output - whether we know it or not.

I also assume this is what the Bible means when it says over and again about 'guarding your eyes/heart/what you speak on and think of etc.'. That we passively have seeds planted in us all the time.

Newton also said it when he spoke of "standing on the shoulders of giants" - I am a product, in part, of my formation and my continuing formation - it is not only what goes out from me, but what I allow - knowingly or not - to affect my views and thus what I will out put.

Even this thinking is heavily influenced by conversations over years with my friends and texts which we would share.

now watch this.

Everything is a Remix Part 2 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.