Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Thursday, January 24, 2013


My hands! My hands!
What are they saying now?
What are they saying now?
Thank God.
Thank God.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


The Madman Laughs at Everything: Spring 2013

"The Moon says you're home" - Madness 3:7

freak on-

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Love (1)

I do not know about love. I only know it draws from me miraculous things, nearly always shocking. A relationship, and the love in it, is steady with some underneath affection coursing through the lovers veins--but that moment of love, is felt in surprising moments. Not the fabricated ones, the ones that are only beheld by both parties, and very often beheld privately. 
I do not know about love. I only know it scatters out my fingers and empties itself like a gasping breath after near death. The experience of love is encompassing in majesty and equal in its propensity for devastation, but it happens in moments; little surprises we can only behold. We surprise ourselves with our ability to be kind, to be cruel, and to our attachments. We see someone in ourselves we thought about, but couldn't imagine; love, flashes it's glisten in these moments. 
I do not know about love. I only know it secures me in place; it gives me something to grind against, and shave off the prickly points of my personality. It takes a coal that fancies himself a diamond, and shows him how much he shines by first showing him how black he is. A thorough scrubbing love is. 
I do not know about love. I only know it when it stings in pleasure or punctures in pain, and reminds me that love has never been either, and is often considered both.  
I do not know about love. I only know it is a conversational mouth; a heaving chest; a sometimes confusion, and a quiet discipline that must go with it. Love is often clarity, but that is clarity, not love. Love won't stand for any definition; it is too passionate, too subtle, too oxymoronic to grab ahold of and cast a spell with. 
I do not know about love, but I know that we can, because we can't help ourselves.