Friday, January 27, 2012


If we start paying for what was previously free, we are paying into the creation of a system designed to keep us paying. The bottled water industry is a good contemporary example (oil is too obvious and takes more refinement for our modern tastes...that was set up for us by the previous generations mentality).  The individuals within the bottled water industry believe on some level either that they are doing good, or they are apathetic about their role and it is a job as simple as any other.  There are those outliers in all situations who would champion the cause of bottled water with a passion regardless of monetary relevance.  Therefore when referring to 'industry' we are discussing an undercurrent in society which like a flippant ocean can bring us all life and help sustain it--or shipwreck us.

The Group Mind must incorporate the individual mind, not just gobble it up--this may be naturally impossible; as such, it can be a building ground to more metaphysical claims.

"As the Truth Tellers die, others quarrel eternally on transient matters." - The Madman Laughs at Everything

Here's what's nuts.  Freshwater resources are, in America, first come first serve.  With the advent of the juggernaut called corporation (a Capitalistic representation of our eternal Group Mind) the amount that can be taken, and the first to be served has drastically changed.  Now, your neighbor isn't just gobbling up some of the water, he's gobbling it up and putting it in plastic and selling it back to you.  The rub, is to build his plastics, he's polluting the same water--suddenly the need for 'pure' water emerges.  This is allowed because we paid him to do this.  We can stop paying for our own demise.  Perhaps we can convince the Group to do the same.

"It's only our world for a while, we'll die in theirs and we were born in another's." - Ibid

"The coming days aren't a given" 
- Hello Echo, The Coming Days. 

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