Tuesday, April 17, 2012


It pours forth so easily on here.
My mom said she read this sometime; once when I was younger, she found my journal--this is certainly a bit different, yet still so much the same--I love it.

It, is the way life teaches you to live it; it's fantastic--it can be debilitating at times, and literally in cases of trauma and the like.  The reality of that dynamic however, is what stokes my fire.

My passion is compressed--and it's focused.  It's like a laser.  I can't explain to you how fast I can intelligently go through books now--I can do the majority of three a night if I am really in the zone.  I am able to be hyperactive--it's what happens to kids like I was.  (i burst out laughing writing that ps).

I can generate written assignments with, "Utterly fascinating ideas," as my english teacher put it in record format--my grammar usage has work left, but my general structure (when it is pre-structured and reviewed and refined) is solid.  Here, on this blog, I just come and climax; it's probably once reason I enjoy it so much.

I'm buried right now.
its amazing.  My shoulders stand differently, and I have to be conscious of them, that's how much weight it feels like.

Can you imagine if I had a eleven year old boy and was in a new country? I can never ever do enough because I saw one woman do so much--it's the secret behind all my strength I think.  Well not all of it, but that was the foundation of it, it prefigured everything else and continues to do so actively; it's just great that now my own voice is beginning to emerge as well.

The reality of the dynamic, it teaches you to do it actively.  We could talk about life for, I suppose, as long as we live.

Have a great evening.
I miss my best friend sometimes, "Your love is a mountainside" plays on my headphones on repeat (David Vertesi) really recommend it, I've been nuts about it for like a month and a half now...on repeat!

Here, i'll make it easy for you, first time I'm seeing the video too--seems like it could be better, but hey, he has one, his music is boss (the song at least) and his ducks are in enough of a row that he's easy to find even though his name is weird to spell...and he cast that spell through sound alone!

Non-violence and civic duty.

I feel like Harry Potter sometimes, and James Malarkey is my Professor Dumbledore. 

Why he rules though, is because he can make every student feel that way. 

I remember the first time I went to visit his office.  It was a windy saturday during the summer and I was wearing a light brownish, finely detailed plaid sports coat with a white shirt, jeans, some manner of shoe, and a skinny red tie.  I may sound ridiculous to you, I'm okay with that.  

Professor Malarkey had already read my entrance essay, and he was right, Humanities was built for my person.  I can't imagine myself without university training now.  There is a significant portion left to traverse, however the movement forward, the timing, the instructors, and the guidance along with financial help from my mom and my work have enabled the focusing of my passion I mentioned earlier,  the compression of coal, and the resulting egg. 

All this, with my noon-hour yet to blossom. 
At my death my friends, at my death. 

Back to work. 

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