Thursday, December 8, 2011


So you've all seen this right? If you're not in America, welcome to out politics. Beautiful because we can say pretty much anything, and even lampoon it- -at least to a greater degree than most countries (or is that just what we're fed to believe here...?). Sad, because we're speaking about everything that doesn't matter and the idea of service is lost in a sea of vapid and feigned concern.

So if you haven't watch, this.

Then I find this as a response on line.
Today, or yesterday, I was swimming around thoughts about how the internet is one of the newest, and also last places that we can exchange ideas so amazingly and so freely. It's like how the idea of Humanism in the 15th and 16th centuries got such a boom by the advent of Guttenburg's printing press. It's like that, on steroids that take steroids themselves.

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