Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dive in

Just a few minutes ago I was walking towards my car through some snow which was worn down by footsteps and had some grass showing through it. I am wearing a fat checked shirt (blue grid on white), a blue sweater vest, a skinny shiny pink tie, skinny faded jeans and my boots. I had on my overcoat and my blue scarf I enjoy so much. I guess the grass was wet or/and my boots have no actual traction. I took a dive. Blam. In the matter of seconds I was luckily up trying to get all the snow off my overcoat and looked to see if anyone saw me fall. A group of three smokers looked on but I didn't understand why they weren't laughing like I was. Is that polite? must be - it doesn't matter; but it made me realize something fun about me.

In situations like that I wish I could watch myself fall, like physically outside myself. I can't imagine it wasn't hilarious and whenever I do this (seems like at least once every winter - at least) I laugh my ass off - so watching myself might be even funnier. To laugh with concern.

One can be lovingly concerned for another while still enjoying what is objectively enjoyable. It doesn't show any 'evilness' to me but rather the ability to truly enjoy life. No over reaction, no drama, just a loving concern and a love for how little we are even at 27 when we take the same dive every winter has brought us since we were little little. Hahaha. We're still so little. So big we're little. God's little babies at every age and beyond death.

Try it out; feel a loving concern while still laughing, it's awesome. Like feeling a loving concern is awesome, and laughing is awesome. I don't know what I'm saying anymore, it was funny, so is this - you're full of love.


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