Friday, July 16, 2010

'Inception' review - no spoilers!

The surest way to disappointed is expecting. The loftier the cliffs of expectation, the harder the fall. Every once in a while, the fall is cushioned.

Absolutely agree with the other reviews I've read, the film 100% needs a more engaging supporting cast. If one of the people died or were to die, I would only think, "That will make the mission harder" - a four star classic film would have us genuinely caring about the character. I considered this morning if a lot of that character development was left on the cutting room floor but we'll see if there is an extended edition.

As far as visual effects and score - awesome, as expected. No great fear of a big fall there.

Surpassing the visuals, score, characters, and even crafty story - the true shining mark of 'Inception' is the story-telling. Never before have I realized how important story-telling in movies are. Blame this on my ignorance and on the lack of sincere story-telling in movies and media. Christopher Nolan hands down should get best director, let alone his screenplay (Chris N. dreamed this idea up when he was only 16!).

Safely, due to a lack of emotional connection with the supporting cast, 'Inception' is a 3.5/4 - and surely not the cult classic I thought it would be; though it does produce enough fodder to have pop-culture nerds (myself already included) using different esoteric terms and phrases.

Expect good story telling and not as much of a pay off as Shutter Island. I expected a mind bender, and though intricate, it was told so artfully that pretzeling my mind wasn't a possibility - or concern.

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