Thursday, April 29, 2010

Folk Wrock (n Wroll)

I'm not gonna lie at all, this song is pretty awesome. Hilarious in it's sincerity, and totally good music. It has like six melodies seamlessly blended, peaks and valleys, and interactive guitar part, and some terrific harmonies. The Wrock album will be ready and recorded in Lo-Fi within a few months...

The beginning to the books could have made me cry if I'd let myself cry in public that day - especially when Hagrid comes...and more times, but I'm not spoiling more here if you've not beheld that which is Potter (PS the movies are not sufficient to consider oneself "Beheld" - I swear).

These songs and the story touch something very dear, and touch it with whimsy and magic. I spend so much time reading poetry and theology and philosophy and classical literature that often I hesitate to pick up "children's" books - however - as an adult, the lessons and the experience are adult. Also, as a Christian, the allegory is staggering (but I have that lens so everything carries the story of the Gospel for me pretty much).

But I'm not kidding, if you're like me and a hundred years late on the HP bandwagon, get on, it's fucking awesome. It brings Magic to the world and reminds you of the magic in the world. An added bonus is you begin speaking like a Wizard. It's like the books have an invisible wand and whisper "Fidelius!"as you read them; oh, and yeah, look that up.

The beginning of the tale reaches the very tender part in all of us that needs cared for - and thus of course expectedly the very part that gets very little support and is almost assaulted; that is the belief that good things, and very good things, happen.

If you're a HP fan, you'll like the song, if you're not, you'll like the music but the song won't make much sense. Hope you enjoy it. The whole thing (and my music in general I guess) is like my own little Patronus...

Harry's Letter (Part One)

Why those Dursley's gotta be so mean to me? While spoilin' that rotten fat Dudley/ Gonna be cold in my cupboard tonight/ No friends, no food, and no end in sight.

Why's she rappin' on my door so hard? Wish my parents hadn't crashed that car/ Won't tell me a thing about mom or dad/ Now here comes Dudley, and he sure looks mad.

What's this letter comin' through the door? They stole it away, but wait here comes one more - Let's get it for sure//They can't keep it away, they can't keep it away, they can't keep it away, 'cause I'll fight, oh I'll fight, to get it for sure/ fight to get it for sure/ fight to get it for sure/ fight to get it for sure!

(With Much love to Mr. and Mrs. Smyth)

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