Monday, April 5, 2010

To Boldly Go, Where No Man Has Gone Before

I do not understand my love of the Trek. But dudes, misses-es, I love it – you don’t even know. On any given week, in my outbox, you will see a Star Trek something sent to another Trekkie friend. I have opinions on the Trekkie versus Trekker debate – and even know such debate exists!

During the second to last Trek movie (the one before the update) I worked at a movie theatre and wanted to get a position as ‘Chief morale officer’ on an imaginary ship some Trekkers were a part of. I spoke with their Captain and Commander and decided the commitment was too great at the time, I took that shit serious (as much seriousness as in the picture above I guess). 'Chief Morale officer' because I, a) wanted ‘Chief’ in my name somewhere since Captain and Commander were taken, and b) Nelix from ST: Voyager had the title, so it was legit– that’s how low I was willing to go – Nelix!

I watched it from back when I lived in Canada, I remember Picard really well, and all of them really – Data, Gordi LaForge, Worf; I think I had some kind of attraction to Counselor Troi – yeah, I’ll admit it. Though she probably knew being an empath who can even sense your emotions through screens (watch any early episode - also, watch those for overacting at it's finest; ps. she created the accent for Tori, she actually speaks a few different languages!)

In High School, or 8th grade, I took the little money I’d make and purchased a fleet of starships for myself. They were awesome and I wish I had them today. So awesome. I had all the different ‘Enterprises’ – Borg Cube’s, Romulan Warships, Ferengi Vessels – it was so balls. The battles in my bedroom were amazing, and those were maybe some of the best Trek episodes I was ever a part of...the ones I made up in 8th grade. Maybe it was around then I sort of forgot how to play properly (something I'm learning now again fifteen years later!).

Deep Space Nine was too dark for me, and I’m not sure why I never got into it, but now DS9 is like this untapped reservoir of Trek for me. I got into Voyager when it was on, and it took a bit for Janeway to grow on me. Tuvok always reminded me of my step dad and I always figured I could dress as commander Chakotay at a convention (which is kind of lame, so I still force myself to at least appreciate the character).

I actually feel sheepish b/c I’ve never traversed the Trek Galaxy with Kirk’s crew, not the original, and so I can’t claim full Trek-dom, but that’s awaiting me too. I guess Next Gen. is what really got me. I have no idea why. I love the sounds, the technology; I remember going to the bookstore in Jr. High and High School and just posting up in the isle (sitting on a seat of sorts, it didn’t really have seats b/c it was in the mall) and reading about the science behind the Trek universe – Okandy? I can’t remember the authors, but they were married and I thought how cool to be married to a nerd. I used to check their books out of the Library and get utterly lost in them. I could tell you the in’s and out’s of tri-corders, the theories behind warp speed, the mathematical equations to get to every warp speed (it’s one equation) and then how that equation could tell you about the ships. I was in it man.

I could write more but I could also probably keep going; I mean I'm a nerd (a modern term for enthusiast) so of course I could keep going right? Posters, movies, the events, the marathons, the amount of time my friends and I bonded, and laughed, and laughed at ourselves, and laughed at the ridiculous plots and laughed at how much Riker stared at Picard – then finding ourselves arguing over why certain plot points couldn’t work referencing prior seasons and plots that were incongruent, then discussing how they could be congruent because of other plots or involving the movies, then arguing the time line, finally laughing at what we were doing, then going back to the debate. Soooo there’s that I guess. I’ll go live long and prosper now, boldly going where no man has gone before...except for the millions of other people like me and my peoples pictured affectionately above.

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